Our Parish Churches: St. Kyran's Church
St. Colman's Church
Schools: Coolcappa National School
Kilcolman National School
Cemeteries Coolcappa Cemetery
Kilbradern Cemetery
Clonaugh Cemetery
Kilcolman Cemetery
Liturgical Resources:
Baptismal Resources: Information on how to book & arrange your child’s Baptism.
Wedding Resources: Information & requirements on how to book your wedding.
Funeral Resources: Booklets are available from the parish Office to help you plan the funeral Mass.
Liturgies for this week: Click on the link below to get next Sunday's readings and Gospel.
Gospel Liturgy Readings https://www.catholicireland.net/readings/?feature=sunday
Fr. Timothy Curtin
Address: The Presbytery, Carrons, Kilcolman, Ardagh, Co Limerick. V42
Mobile: 086-369 7735
Email: frtcurtin@gmail.com
Ann Dore
St. Senan's Pastoral Centre
Main Street
Co. Limerick V94 V8N6
Office Opening Hours:
Wed: 10-5pm,
Thurs: 9-5pm,
Fri: 9-5pm
(Closed for lunch 1-2pm)
Tel: 069-65561 Email: ckparishoffice@gmail.com or unit13parishes@gmail.com
· Assisting the public with their enquiries.
· Weekly publication of the Parish Newsletter.
· Issuing of all Baptismal/Confirmation & Marriage certificates from Parish Registers.
Bookings of Baptisms & Marriages and any queries.